Daisy Walker, Flowering Student

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LocoPojo · 233

A Daisy Walker build designed as a long-term carry with a few short-term tricks to help her through the upgrade process. Made for a TTS game as my first custom deck experiment.

The core theme of the deck is Shrewd Analysis - upgrading Dream Diary, Archaic Glyphs, and Strange Solution twice as fast and later utilizing them to get a great result on Ancient Stone. With Glyphs going to the spell slot to make room for books, Strange Solution providing cheap solutions to tough problems, and Dream Diary massively increasing Daisy's capacity to deal with any problem, she can become a late game powerhouse by quickly solving her puzzles in the early parts of a campaign. Most of the rest of her deck is designed to make that process easier and transition into a secret-charging build so that Daisy can keep her high-end assets working harder for longer.

The deck is supply and card light - it draws a lot of cards, but aims at 0 cost events and skills and 2 cost assets, with Old Book of Lore being the most necessary exception. The goal is to succeed fabulously at skill tests with commits that chain into extra benefits, without building Daisies stats through hand-size-and resource-matters cards like the (now 8 XP cost) Higher Education. Daisy banks only enough supplies and assets to do the job at hand and easily solve the array of research projects that she carries with her.

Action economy is important, especially for a character like Daisy who wants to identify items and plunk down books while also being a clue hoover to get ahead of the agenda. Shortcut, Knowledge is Power, and Deduction all provide free actions at no resource cost (Deduction, in particular, allows Daisy to all-or-nothing difficult shroud areas in pairing with Working a Hunch). Daisy uses Astounding Revelation to pick up early supplies at no action cost, with Research Librarian and Practice Makes Perfect in addition to the free search off of Old Book of Lore and Eureka!. Some of those first resources can be commited early as secrets to Archaic Glyphs, which will return them as supplies later while enabling your upgrades (this also converts Enraptured into an action-free supply card). Once you have your initial burst, natural upkeep should keep her playing all the cards she wants, especially as the usefulness of Research Assistant wanes. Keeping the supply costs low allows Daisy to use Revelation for secret charges instead.

Daisy's free action can be used to either fill out her options and increase her actions with Old Book/Scroll or increase her flexibility and commit to a difficult test with Dream Diary.

Daisy is not a fighter and shouldn't be too far out on her own, but in a pinch, "I've Got A Plan!" will take out any monster with 4 health or less by using books and clues, which Daisy has in spades. Be wary of The Necronomicon, commit equal to the lowest possible chaos token and don't draw a tentacle.

Daisy is able to avoid her weakness on occasion by using Old Book of Lore to reduce her chance of drawing it and discard it with Scroll of Secrets when the deck gets low, though the odds are not worth the effort unless the deck is tiny or you have time to kill. Still, avoiding the Necronomicon is a big deal if it happens! As she will frequently draw through her deck, wait to resolve a late Necronomicon until after the shuffle so you don't encounter it twice.