Wendy moon hits your eye like a big pizzapie that's a-murder

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ruderep · 554

When you walk in a dream...

Like the waxing and waning of the moon, this Wendy standalone deck uses the push and pull of both bless tokens and curse tokens to and from the chaos bag to help her pass tests, evade enemies, and assassinate all who stand in her way.

...But you know you're not dreaming...

Although the deck is packed with potent yet fairly straightforward cards like Backstab, Sneak Attack and Lockpicks(1), there are also some key interactions between (bless tokens) and (curse tokens) here that should make for some fun moments.

  • Faustian Bargain and Priest of Two Faiths are the main cards which put in your bag. Whenever you then draw a , use Token of Faith to put a in the bag. Broadly speaking, this will keep your chances of drawing a or on a given token pull about the same. However, you can use Predestined (commit it to a test or another difficult test you expect to fail) or Favor of the Moon to weed out the from the bag before you even draw them.
  • Speaking of Favor of the Moon, this card is here to enable a combo whereby you can choose to 'draw' a from it, which means that, if Token of Faith is in play, you can then immediately drop a into the bag as well.
  • Ancient Covenant is there to not only take advantage of the you will be filling the bag with, but also to reduce your chances of drawing the . Whenever you draw a , you will hopefully then be passing the test, and can just stop it there.
  • There are various ways you can use Unrelenting, but some examples are: seal on it so that you won't draw them and are also more likely to draw and/or a 'good' token; seal on it to draw you cards afterwards; seal three or 0/+1 tokens on it and still have a chance of passing the test if you have enough in the bag, etc.
  • And of course Wendy's ability to discard a card to redraw a token lets you either nix a you've just drawn, or redraw to dig for a .
  • For the record, the cards which put in the bag are the Token of Faith, Keep Faith, Priest of Two Faiths and Predestined.

When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine...

Enemy management

Apart from the / shenanigans mentioned above, this deck makes use of Wendy's great to exhaust enemies and then either just run away, or kill them (that's a-murder!). Backstab, Sneak Attack and Hatchet Man all enable this strategy.

The Moon • XVIII tarot boosts your if you can get it into play, and it will also boost your base skill level for shooting with your Ornate Bow. The bow may be your only weapon, but it is a beast. To avoid attacks of opportunity while reloading, if you need to take down a hefty enemy on your own, consider taking your time by evading, then firing, then reloading, to keep it pinned down until it’s dead.

Gathering clues

Investigation is not generally difficult for Wendy, given her fine of 3 and her incredible investigator ability, but the Lockpicks let her investigate at base 7 (8 if The Moon is out), although of course Wendy cannot have both the lockpicks and the Ornate Bow in play at the same time, so be ready to have to prioritize between clueing or killing when you have both in hand (or one in play and the other in hand).

Fortuitous Discovery is the other way Wendy can get clues, and combos well with her investigator ability: discard a Fortuitous Discovery to redraw a chaos token, and then later play another copy of Fortuitous Discovery to get a bonus to your test and also pick up more clues.

...And you'll sing "Vita bella!"

Upgrading the deck

This deck is designed to be played in a standalone scenario, but you can add other cards to make it a higher XP deck if you like, or if you want to take the deck through a campaign. Here are some suggestions:

  • Upgraded Sneak Attack(2) is a good pick if you are playing multiplayer.
  • Signum Crucis if you are likely to face high-difficulty tests.
  • Upgraded "Look what I found!"(2), if you find you're struggling for clues.
  • "Lucky" Penny competes with the Token of Faith and Wendy's Amulet, but if you like some added risk/reward, then consider adding a Relic Hunter and this card to your deck to gamble your way past those tokens.
  • Pickpocketing(2) really works well with Wendy, and is a good source of card draw/resources if you want a boost in that area.
  • Leather Coat(1) if you find yourself being punched too often.
  • A Test of Will(2) can provide some protection from the encounter deck. (This is the best incarnation of the card, and Wendy's likely to pass the test to avoid exiling it.)

Tweaking the deck for level 0 campaign play

Many of the key cards in this deck are higher than level 0, so if you want to take Wendy through a campaign then you will need to work towards getting those pieces in place. Here is a quick-switch level 0 version of this deck if you want to pick it up and go – then use your XP to purchase the extra cards needed to make the deck function as intended:

Tweaking the deck for multiplayer

This deck has been built for solo but would be fine unaltered for multiplayer, taking on a flexible role on the team. That said, if you want to focus on combat or investigation in a multiplayer game, then consider the following quick-switch alternative builds:

That’s a-more-slay:

That’s a-more-clue:

Bells will ring (Ting-a-ling-a-ling)...

Grab those holy symbols, young lady, murmur a prayer to whatever gods may listen, and keep an arrow nocked to your bow. Your fate is not written yet, and, come fair or foul, you will always walk in the moonlight...


Mar 01, 2021 LivefromBenefitSt · 1049

You could always take Versatile and Bandolier....

Mar 01, 2021 ruderep · 554

Hi LivefromBenefitSt! Ha, it's not a bad idea. Of course it would be tough to find the 1x Bandolier in a larger deck. But Wendy with a bow and lockpicks at once would be a hoot.

Perhaps switching the picks for something like Perception or "Look what I found!" would be better, to avoid losing the bow. Or even add some economy (e.g. Pickpocketing(2)) and using Intel Report.

Apr 10, 2021 Jermz238 · 1

How do you pay for this deck? Seems pretty expensive (including the inevitable playing of events from the discard) to rely on just Faustian Bargain.

May 06, 2021 ruderep · 554

Hi @Jermz238! You've got a point that some more economy might not go amiss. I have found Faustian Bargain really good economy, and Favor of the Moon also produces resources, so I feel this would likely be enough for this deck to get through a scenario. Also, I don't think it's "inevtiable" that the Amulet would be played, because Token of Faith has more synergy with the other cards in the deck. That said, Lone Wolf would be good in here in solo, or Easy Mark perhaps.

Aug 02, 2022 SolarJ · 496

Great deck and write up, nice to see token of faith getting some love, fits perfectly in this deck!