
Чаклунство. Жахіття.

Карти контактів


Розкриття - Оберіть один тип карт: здобуток, подія або вміння. Кожен гравець повинен скинути з руки всі карти обраного типу. Якщо в цій фазі вже була взята копія "Жаху із позамежжя", натомість оберіть два типи карт.

Stephen Somers
Спадщина Данвіча #101. Позамежжя #3-4.
Жах із позамежжя


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • This card has the Peril keyword, which means that the investigator who drew it cannot discuss with other players what cardtype to name. He or she must make the choice on his or her own.

  • "Terror from Beyond can cause weaknesses to be discarded (e.g. Dark Memory), even if you are the one making the choice. Terror from Beyond has the player optionally choosing a card type, and then all investigators are obliged to discard all cards of that card type. In this case, you aren’t optionally choosing to discard 1 or more cards; you are selecting a category of cards and all cards of that category are being discarded. The discard is mandatory." - Matt Newman.
Last updated


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