The Book of War

Some interesting or high-value Tactic events I came across:

There is Making Preparations, but Dilemmas are not played, so this doesn't work (also for this card, it wouldn't make sense to recur it).

It's funny that a lot of Tactics let you either avoid enemies or rough them up real good. Then again, it's sort of in the name.

AlderSign · 314
Astral Mirror

I'm really enjoying this as a combo with Blood of K'n-yan, though I do have a question:

Can you use the extra action to play an asset that takes up more than one hand slot? Like a sledgehammer? Or more pertinently, an Enchanted Bow?

I think you can play a two handed asset, since it goes into two of your handslots, which also included at least one of your handslots. But this might be a question of how strict you interpret the rules — Tharzax · 1
Weird edge case, actually. I think if they would have wanted to allow it they had written "a hand slot" instead of "one of your hand slots", but I honestly don't see any balancing reason not to allow playing a two-handed asset with the action. — AlderSign · 314
Primed for Action

Maybe it's the card that will make me play Well-Maintained at last: I play a firearm, attach Well-maintained to it then a few other upgrades, use all the ammo, discard the firearm, get it back to my hand and finally use Primed for Action to replay it with a single upgrade in a single action at -2 resources.

Joey "The Rat" Vigil gives you a way to discard the firearm and get resources, Custom Modifications with Counterbalance checked gives you additionnal card draw.

AlexP · 255
The Book of War

I have re-checked the erratum on Wendy's Amulet but I don't think it prevents the below interaction to work.

In a 2+ game, give it to your main fighter in addition to On the Hunt: during the mythos play On the hunt, spawn the enemy, use The book of war, defeat the enemy, get your resources, and at the end of your turn get On the hunt back.
Replay each time you need an enemy (for Parley effects, Under Surveillance, Ambush, ...)

In a Zoey Samaras deck you can even kill the enemy when you engage it thanks to the Zoey's Cross. Especially interesting for Aloof or Cultist enemies: Acolyte, Whippoorwill, ...

P.S: if this combo doesn't work due to the fact that On the Hunt is not discarded right away, there is the inferior combo with On the Hunt / Kicking the Hornet's Nest (you need to find an enemy among the first 9 cards of the encounter deck.

AlexP · 255
I hate that this works. — AlderSign · 314
Short Rest

Another Neutral card that folks should consider? (I swear I'm not biased to Neutral cards, cough Bide Your Time)

But I imagine most people miss-read this card as I had for unlike Easy Mark's After effect, other investigators can chain off teammate's Short Rests as well. So, this card gets kind of wonky to evaluate if multiple investigators in a team run multiple copies of the card as it can be 1 action heal X from any ally/investigator at your location with X being how many resources/Short Rests are in your collective hands at that location.

Now is the effect that amazing for a 4-player group to run up to 12 copies of Short Rest? I mean dedicating ~10% of each player's deck and 12 resources is quite a lot even if you save on the action side. At that point some might argue you might as well run some Teamwork shenanigans. Yet you don't have to aim for 12 as even if all 4 of you just had 1 copy at one point: 1 action and 4 resources/cards from the group to heal 4 from your most wounded teammate(s) is pretty good for a lvl 0 card.

One example that immediately came to my mind upon this re-examination of the card is everyone's favorite student Amanda Sharpe and veteran Mark Harrigan. Can easily see both of them drawing a lot then spending 1 action and 6 resources to heal themselves back up. Even if Amanda doesn't need the healing, she can dump it on Mark. Any high draw investigators should heavily consider this card, especially if you are going in as a group.

Whether this After effect was intended by the designers to encourage people to proxy more of their Knifes or push more Drowned City expansion sales for more copies remains to be seen.

McJames · 137
I really like it with Mark Harrigan as he is a REALLY fast card drawer! I consider the possibility to put Versatile so that I can add Dream-enhancing serum in the deck and then have 3x Short rest, 3x Quick shot and Hallowed mirror (3) to circle the deck really fast and do a lot of testless damages with Beat cop (2) and Quick shot. — AlexP · 255