Lawrence Carlisle

This card is really good for Patrice Hathaway seeing as it combos with Patrice's Violin to allow her to make 2 resources or a card and a resource out of what would be a dead draw. The +1 Int is a nice bonus is you're building a cluever deck, and it's backup soak in case you get jumpscared by Watcher from Another Dimension.

It comboes well with other cards Patrice likes → Cornered. (I forgot how to link to cards in comments apparently). You get not only +2 test but also 1 resource. And often times that card you discard you want to be in discard pile anyhow, because it's something line Winging it. — bugiel_marek · 23
Anna Kaslow

Awesome card for Mandy Thompson!

If you have her in your starting hand you get to trigger Mandy's reaction ability and essentially get 2 tarots for free!

Oh, wait...

Jokes aside, still a good pick in Mandy, as you don't have to trigger Anna's reaction after she enters play and can call herself later after the weakness has been dealt with.

AlderSign · 301
Memories of Another Life

This card is pretty insane, as you get to staple the effect of any level 0 asset or event to a successful skill test at no cost, along with an unexpected courage to help you with that test. As of printing, here's the valid users - Sefina Rousseau, Zoey Samaras, Father Mateo, Sister Mary, Luke Robinson, Lucius Galloway, Agnes Baker, Akachi Onyele, Marie Lambeau, Dexter Drake

Here's a list of some of the generically powerful things you can do with it, even without specific scenario/card combo interactions. "At no cost" is an insane line of text that makes it very powerful with any of the doubles from Hemlock Vale. This is just my list that I threw together, I'm sure there are other respectable cards and some that are particularly strong given specific scenarios/situations. To me the thing that makes this card sing is its sheer versatility - almost any of the below effects are very strong, and you get to choose the best one for any given situation.

Gain 8 Resources for investigators at your location: Bank Job (Hot Streak is 4xp and nets you 7 resources)

Draw 5 Cards for investigators at your location: Thorough Inquiry (All In is also 5xp, but Memories doesn't have the weakness clause)

Get an automatically successful +1 damage fight(You don't take the attack, as the enemy attack is a cost): Toe to Toe

Take an extra action every turn for the rest of the scenario: Leo De Luca

Discover 2 clues: Extensive Research

Move, discover a clue, and activate an asset (can also be given to other investigators at your location): Task Force

Deal 3 damage to each enemy (and investigator) at your location or a connecting location: Dynamite Blast

Automatically evade or deal 1 damage to all non-elite enemies at your location and connecting locations: Elaborate Distraction

Evade all enemies at your location (including elites): Cunning Distraction

Move up to 3 times without engaging enemies: Scout Ahead

Get a generically powerful yellow card: Dr. Milan Christopher

Get a generically powerful green card: Lucky Cigarette Case

And some situationally useful ones:

Gain 3 slotless horror soak for your team: Something Worth Fighting For

Gain 3 slotless health soak for your team: True Grit

Resign: "I'm outta here!"

Gain 3 supplies or ammo for assets you control: Cleaning Kit, or with soak if you have an ally slot: Venturer

Double the ammo or supplies on an asset you control: Contraband

Turn your events into skills(with no weakness, again, additional cost is removed): Crystallizer of Dreams

Grab a clue and find an enemy to kill: Kicking the Hornet's Nest

Discard a Terror treachery from an allied threat area (as long as you have at least 1 clue): Logical Reasoning

Grab any one of the masks: Cat, Fox, Mouse, Sparrow, Wolf

Trade resources, items and allies: Teamwork

Therebrae · 32
5 xp and success seems like a lot until you realize it replaces hundreds of cards. — MrGoldbee · 1469
It's the strongest toolbox card in the game. It has the ability to do any of the above things, and more. If you read the card as "If you succeed, gain 8 resources OR draw 5 cards OR heal 3 damage OR heal 3 horror OR ..." I think it's pretty obvious how powerful this effect is. 5xp is a lot, but I'm pretty sure it's justified here and may even warrant a taboo. — Therebrae · 32
Yes, that's great and all, but have you though about how it bogs the game down when you play it and have to think about the best card to pick? I personally don't want to go through that list each time I trigger it... — AlderSign · 301
@AlderSign True, I would just include three staples (such as Bank Job, Inquiry, Leo) and have them set aside like bonded cards. Honestly, I think a clean table-nerf is that you declare upon purchase which class you "have memories from" so your locked in to just one class of lvl 0 cards. Still strong card, but not functionally your entire collection strong. — McJames · 115
Cool, i now get to browse through my full collection in the middle of the game to pick the best card to play... Says no one ever. Wether you buy the card as Versatile on steroids or as a toolbox, you buy it with the card(s), it would bring in, in mind and have them ready in a sideboard. — Adny · 1
I would probably stick to the empiric hypothesis, if I don't have access to the seeker class. — Tharzax · 1
@Adny: I mean, yeah, that fixes the AP, but I disapprove of a card design that discourages you from using its full potential. — AlderSign · 301
@Tharzax: I wonder what happens if you pick a customizable card that does not meet your deckbuilding requirements and then play Refine. Would you even be allowed to? — AlderSign · 301

(Please "like" review so I don't get locked out of posting more)

Utterly baffling card. The first two copies are worse than Unexpected Courage. Once you've used or discarded those, you get one copy that is a +3 to either of two skills. But there are plenty of 0-1 XP skills that give +3 or more with conditions. In Seeker you could just grab a Survey the Area. Your 1 XP gets you all three copies of Quick-Witter, but since only the third is actually good, you might as well just buy one copy of a better skill.

The only additional benefit here is the option to shuffle the other two quick-witteds back into your deck afterward. If you keep cycling them, then alternate copies are worth +2 and +3, repeatedly. But once I have a few XP under my belt, I feel that shuffling those Quick-Witted back in my deck probably isn't improving it at all.

No matter how small your collection, you can at least run 2 Perceptions, 2 Manual Dexterities, and 2 Unexpected Courages, all of which will do more for you than these cards will.

What if you don't WANT to draw through your deck? Refilling it is hard is seeker. — MrGoldbee · 1469
The effect is just so underwhelming that I feel you could simply draw fewer cards if you're worried about the reshuffle. — OrionAnderson · 77
British Bull Dog

I would imagine the card is great for all the reasons on Wolf’s review. Yet, from a design perspective I am not sure I love the fact that rogues are turning into some kind of agility mystics. It plays well and makes some investigators stronger, but this kind of design dilutes the classes’ identities.

K_oroviev · 222