On the Hunt

I slept on this card so hard because I fixated on the idea that I was giving up a card and a resource just to (what I felt like) was just trading in one encounter card (which would probably be fine anyway, since Guardians tend to be pretty mythos resistant) with another, but I've come to really appreciate how much this card does.

It does cost a card and a resource, and you don't even know if the card you were going to get anyway might have been an enemy or a treachery that would have been easily solvable. And yet, this is so, so worth it.

Firstly, in a vast majority of scenarios, the odds of whiffing is absolutely miniscule. The math would depend on the exact configuration for each scenario, but even if you have an encounter deck with 40 cards with only 4 enemies in it, you have an 89% chance of hitting! I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but I think a vast majority of scenarios are going to have better odds than that.

In my opinion, what makes the card worth it, is that the enemy spawns engaged with you instead of anywhere else. That means that if it is aloof, you're not wasting engage actions. If it spawns away from you, in an empty location, etc., you're not having to go off-course, probably wasting multiple actions, just to chase it down. If it has concealed, it doesn't resolve its concealed keyword and make you hunt the shadows. If it is added to your hand, it bypasses that! (iykyk)

Lastly, a vast majority of guardians/killers are going to get some form of reward for killing/fighting enemies. Roland can use this at a high-shroud location to get a clue, it can be used to pop off with Scene of the Crime, Evidence, Glory, etc., Zoey gets her money back, Tony gets the free action and gets the resource back with his Bounty and gets to trigger Lucky Cigarette Case for the card, plus any other "succeeds by" bonuses he might have (and he's actually otherwise soft to the actual treacheries!)

I feel like this, along with Kicking the Hornets Nest (and the new card draw one to come in the Drowned City), require actual play with cards that synergize with them to fully appreciate, as you can't just run the numbers of "is this amount of damage worth this amount of actions/resources" like weapons, clue-finding events, etc.

Ancient Covenant

I'm not a fan of negating the tentacle token—it's part of the game's tension and theme. While useful in clutch moments, it feels too safe for my taste. I prefer the risk-and-reward dynamic without it.

sedlak87 · 4
Ancient Evils

Ge 2 to 3 in every 1 agenda or a scenario. That mean 7 full turn short or 1 agenda. It's funny to be nolonger funny anymore. I recommend to repalce to reshuffle 3 Ancient Evils with 3 Resurgent Evils Then randomly pick only 3 to any scenarios which using it

AquaDrehz · 202
Cash Cart

It is fun to push the cart through the vent.

"Ready, 1, 2, 3... lift" (Rumble, Rumble) (Crash!!) Calamity ensues in the guard room


"OK, I think we're good. Let's continue this heist!"

dlikos · 153
Unfortunately I don't think this is possible. If I recall correctly, those locations aren't connected, only for the purposes of investigator movement — Nenananas · 257
Bianca "Die Katz"

Not a review, more of a questioning... What if you handcuffed her and the scenario ended, she would end up in your deck, since she leaved play without triggering her activate ability. I am wondering because having an handcuffed enemy is a boon for Alessandra or Parallel Roland since both have synergy with enemies at their location (parley with Alessandra and Directive-based with Roland).

Having her in a deck and deliberately failing the parley allows you to have a humanoid enemy you can handcuff and could also allow you to play British Bulldog free.

Food for your thoughts

Alienmen1 · 1
As far as I understand it, the game has ended and there is no game for her to "leave play", interpreting it that way seems quite a stretch - otherwise, if that interpretation is right, you would have to resolve all the cards with "leave the play" effects when scenarios ended. — Gsayer · 1
Hi, remebering a part of ruling for bonded cards: "[...] If a weakness with the bonded keyword is added to an investigator's deck, hand, threat area, or play area, it does not remain a part of that investigator's deck for the rest of the campaign (unlike other weaknesses). It starts each game set aside with that investigator's other bonded cards. [...]" -> At the end of the scenario she is set aside, even if she is still in play, because nothing obliges You to add her to your deck. — Piegura · 1