Michael McGlen
The Gangster


Criminal. Hunter.

  • 3
  • 1
  • 5
  • 3
Health: 9. Sanity: 5.

After you spend 1 or more ammo from a Firearm asset: Gain 1 resource. (Limit once per Firearm asset per round.)

effect: +2. You may place 1 ammo on a Firearm asset you control.

"Don't care if it's a god. If it crosses me, it's gonna regret it."
Cristi Balanescu
The Drowned City Investigator Expansion #11.

Michael McGlen - Back


Deck Size: 30.

Deckbuilding Options: Rogue cards () level 0-3, Neutral cards level 0-5, cards with Firearm either as their Trait or in their text box level 0-5.

Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): "Viola" Case, Confiscation, 1 random basic weakness.

Michael McGlen was a man of few words. He didn't need to talk much; he had Fast Louis for that. The two of them were O'Bannion's best soldiers, making sure the gang was respected throughout Arkham... until the night the thing in the river dragged Louis off the dock to tear him to pieces beneath the water. Michael thought his bosses would call him crazy when he told them what happened, but the truth was worse: they told him they believed him and to let the matter lie. But Michael can't just let the death of his partner, or the things he saw that night, go unpunished. He's still a man of few words. Now he'll let his gun do the talking.
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