Q: As Lola Hayes, what role do I switch to if I resolve Crisis of Identity and the discarded card is a multi-class card? What happens if my deck is empty and no card is discarded? A: If the discarded card is a multi-class card, you may choose which of those classes to switch your role to. If no card is discarded, your role stays the same and is not switched. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Q: As Lola Hayes, can I use Lola’s ability to switch roles in the middle of resolving another ability? A: As long as it is during a player window, yes. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Q: The rules reference and the FAQ both imply that abilities only work during setup if they specifically refer to the setup process. Does this also apply to constant abilities? In particular: Is Norman Withers’ “Play with the top card of your deck revealed.” ability active during setup (e.g. while he’s taking a mulligan)? Is Lola Hayes “You can only play, commit, or trigger abilities on Neutral cards or cards of your role.” ability active during setup (e.g. before drawing her opening hand, when she might trigger the abilities on Stick to the Plan or Ancestral Knowledge)? A: To answer your question(s):
- Norman Withers would not have the top card of his deck revealed during Setup.
- Lola Hayes would not be limited by her constant ability during Setup. She could resolve the abilities on Ancestral Knowledge and Stick to the Plan before drawing her opening hand.
Q: I was looking at the investigator Lola Hayes earlier, and noticed something odd with her weakness Crisis of Identity. When she draws it, among other things she discards the top card of her deck and changes her current Role to the Class of the discarded card. The oddity is - Neutral has since been confirmed to not be considered a Class. So... what happens when Lola discards a Neutral card with Crisis of Identity? Since Neutral is not a class, does her role not change? A: You are correct that Neutral cards are not considered part of a class. However, for the purposes of Crisis of Identity, we agree that if you discard a Neutral card, Lola should switch her role to Neutral, similar to if you discarded a Weakness. (Rules Form, December 2023)
Q: What class of cards do Specialist cards count as for the purposes of Lola Hayes's investigator ability? A: Specialist cards are a type of Neutral card. Therefore Lola Hayes can be in any role and still play them, commit them, and trigger their abilities. (The Drowned City Investigator Expansion FAQ, March 2025)
Lola Hayes
The Actress
- 3
- 3
- 3
- 3
Forced - After you draw your opening hand: Choose a role (, , , , , or Neutral).
You can only play, commit, or trigger abilities on Neutral cards or cards of your role.
: Switch your role. (Limit once per round.)
effect: +2. You may switch roles.
Latest Taboo
This card's forced ability is moved to its reverse side, and it should now read: "Additional Setup: After you draw your opening hand, choose a role (, , , , , or Neutral)." This card's front side additionally gains: ": Switch roles. Does not provoke attacks of opportunity."
Lola Hayes - Back
Deck size: 35.
Deckbuilding Options: Survivor, Guardian, Seeker, Rogue, and Mystic cards (, , , , and ) level 0-3, Neutral cards level 0-5.
Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): 2 copies of Improvisation, 2 copies of Crisis of Identity, 1 random basic weakness.
Additional Requirements: Your deck must include at least 7 cards each from 3 different classes (, , , , or ).

Investigator Cards
- Improvisation (The Path to Carcosa #18)
- Crisis of Identity (The Path to Carcosa #19)
Deck Building
Search for cards usable by this investigatorFAQs
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Get Your Lola runnin’
Break her out of Broadway!
Looking for adventure
And a masked man from our play.
Yeah, Lola's gonna make it happen
Take all of Arkham in a love embrace
Play all the factions all at once
And, transcend time and space!
Whoa, those roles look frightening
They really make me wonder
What if theyre restrictive
That’s some pressure i`ll be under!
Lola, we’re gonna make it happen
Take bits of Arkham in a love embrace
Play those factions but sort of one at a time then
And, transcend time and space!
She’s a true nature's child
She was born, born to be wild
She can climb so high
You’ve just got to try
Born to be wild
Born to be wild
Got my Lola runnin’
Broke her out of Broadway!
Was set up for adventure
Then she threw it all away!
Hey Lola, why`d make that happen?
What happened to our “love embrace”
We had loads of cool stuff in play at once,
Then, you threw it back in my face
Like a true nature's child
She was born, born way too wild
She could climb so high
But now im gonna cry.
Born a bit too wild
Born a bit too wild
As of the current state of the card pool, considering everything up to TSK (Edit 06/2024 - added the FHV cards), I thought it'd be interesting to make an inventory of cards that provide a benefit to Lola even when she is not in the card's role.
Hopefully, this will help some of you break down Lola's deckbuilding puzzle by spotting in this list some possible combos between multiple cards in it (The Red Clock (2) helps you to oversucceed your first test, which collects evidence on Empirical Hypothesis) or with other cards from another role (Celaeno Fragments will boost your to help you trigger Scavenging).
Level 0:
- Bandolier
- Boxing Gloves (attack bonus)
- Cleaning Kit
- Geared Up
- Hallowed Mirror
- Hunter's Armor
- Obsidian Bracelet
- Ofuda
- Something Worth Fighting For
- True Grit
Level 1+:
- Bandolier
- Boxing Gloves (attack bonus)
- Cleaning Kit
- Enchanted Armor
- Martyr's Vambrace
Level 0:
- Arcane Enlightenment
- Celaeno Fragments
- Dr. Charles West III (for the additional slot)
- Forced Learning
- Magnifying Glass
- Empirical Hypothesis (to collect the evidence)
- Occult Lexicon
- The Raven Quill
- Shrewd Analysis
Level 1+:
- Ariadne's Twine (to spend the secret)
- Magnifying Glass
- Studious
Level 0:
Level 1+:
- "Lucky" Penny
- Adaptable
- Another Day, Another Dollar
- Charon's Obol
- Dirty Fighting (for the combat bonus)
- Geas
- Hired Muscle
- Leo De Luca
- The Black Fan
- The Red Clock
- Treasure Hunter
Level 0:
- Arcane Research
- Down the Rabbit Hole
- Familiar Spirit
- Living Ink
- Sign Magick
- Summoned Servitor
- The Chthonian Stone
Level 1+:
- Astral Mirror
- Crystalline Elder Sign
- Elle Rubash
- Protective Incantation
- Sign Magick
- The Chthonian Stone
Level 0:
Level 1+:
Other honourable mentions:
- All the Neutral assets that will work no matter which role
- Lvl 1 Tarot cards that keep their static boost no matter what
- Assets that provide a static boost that will remain
- Events that attach to a location like Makeshift Trap
- All the Masks from FHV work with replenishing.
PS: If I forgot anything worth mentioning, feel free to suggest it in the comments and I will edit my review.
Lola is a 'sub-optimal' investigator, and you'll probably either love or hate her depending on what you're looking for. She's made for fun and goofy builds, not power combos.
Without playing her, it can be tough to see how limiting her role restriction is. It seems like it would be fun to build a 'rainbow' deck with cards from every color, but in practice, that's a recipe for disaster. Cards that aren't in your current role are almost blanks, since you can't use any , , or triggers, can't play them as events or assets, and can't commit them to skill tests. The more you spread out your colors, the more likely your cards are to be blanks. Your static boost abilities like the one on Magnifying Glass are always active, but you'd be surprised how much of the good stuff requires you to be in a specific role.
You can (usually) only switch roles once per turn, so most turns you're locked in to using only two colors. This is what prevents Lola from pulling off crazy stuff; you can't perform a combo that uses cards of more than 2 colors. For most cases, there's already another investigator who can play the two colors you're comboing, and they have an additional character bonus. Lola's blessing is also her curse: when she can build the deck of any other investigator, she's going to get compared to every other investigator, and I think there will always be someone else who can do the same thing you're doing, but 'better'.
So why do I still love Lola? Because her deckbuilding options give you so much freedom to do stupid stuff that makes you feel clever for trying it. Lola is absolutely not the best investigator for Key of Ys, but only she can play Dr. Elli Horowitz and No Stone Unturned to help you find the Key, Haste and Swift Reflexes for the free actions, and then finish it off with a Will to Survive for 5 token-less tests at 6, in the stat of your choosing!
Is that combo easy to pull off? Not at all. Is it super powerful? No, you spent a bunch of XP, resources, cards, and actions just for 5 autosuccesses. And heck, I didn't even point out how in order to even use it, you MUST start your turn in the role, then switch to , so you can't even do it in back-to-back turns!
But do you feel awesome when it happens? Hastur yeah.
Don't expect anybody to ever add a review here with a "Gamebreaking Combo for Lola!!!", even as more cards get printed, because that's not what she is about. Instead, I'd recommend picking an off-beat concept you really like (Relics! Tokens! The Encounter Deck!), and then using Lola to put all your favorite cards in one deck.
Lola is not bad.
Rather, Lola is really freaking good.
If people are afraid of her weakness then frankly they're just not playing her well. Her stat line 3/3/3/3 is just one bump away from greatness. And she can bump it a whole whole lot. In a game this week I was running her and with 25xp she had the stat line of 5/6/6/4. With the Timeworn Brand so swinging at 8 Fight. And that wasn't that particularly hard to do. Or even in a way which runs chances of exposure: I think over the course of the scenario there were maybe 2 turns where I was exposing more than 1 asset to be lost to her weakness. Which I drew once, and lost 0 assets because of it.
The formula isn't complex. Load up on cards which provide passive bonuses. Go asset light on a couple of colors and use those for Events or Skills. Harvest the best of them from every color. Profit.
Lola seems well geared for solo play, being able to change modes as the phases of the game call for different skill sets. Switching from seeker to Mystic and then your personal choice for “spice”. Survivor have good skill check events and the Rogue disengage options can be a lifesaver.
Pete Sylvestre and Darío El Amin with Charisma seem like great choices for buffing the stats that matter most. Agility and Willpower are save stats so being able to double down on willpower for spells and saves is efficient. Also, passive buffs are huge for Lola. And board state that doesn’t require switching to activate is best. I’d recommend taking Rogue as class number three for Lone Wolf too.
Adding a relevant note about Lola's limitations, from Fantasy Flight rules enquiries: "The player window between steps 1.4 and 1.5 does not occur until all investigators have completed resolving 1.4 (aka drawing the top card of the encounter deck.) If Lola wanted to play a Mystic card (like Ward of Protection) in response to drawing an encounter card, she would have to already be in the Mystic role before the Mythos phase began. Matthew Newman."
Whoops. Placed this as a response to someone else. Sorry for the double post.
Does anyone know if Lola’s restriction to playing cards would prevent from using Joey the rats ability to put an asset into play? For example if I’m Rogue Lola and I activate Joey the rat, could I use him to play a .45?
Just a quick question regarding her ability: Can someone tell me, whether one can switch roles while using geared up? I'm not quite sure, whether there is a player window between each card played. Right now I would like to try her big cardpool for geared up.