Акт. Stage 1
Карти контактів
Clues: 2.
Somehow, you must find your way across this alien landscape in order to find the nexus that was described in Old Whateley’s tome.
: Discard the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Choose a location discarded by this effect and resolve its 'revelation' ability.
Ethan Patrick Harris
Загублені у часі і просторі #316. Lost in Time and Space #6.
The Nexus of Dimensions - Back
A light shimmers in the distance, and you head toward it to investigate. The wispy light drifts away from you, floating through the realm's strange gateways, ascending looping staircases, and crossing through barriers you dared not cross earlier. With little chance of finding the nexus on your own, you follow the light, hoping it is guiding you in the right direction.
Put the set-aside The Edge of the Universe location into play.

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