Ishimaru Haruko
Just Skin and Bones


Monster. Lunatic. Elite.

Карти контактів
Fight: 6. Health: 4. Evade: 3.
Damage: 1. Horror: 1.


Forced - After you deal damage to Ishimaru Haruko by an effect other than an attack: Draw the top card of the encounter deck.

"Doesn't this dress look gorgeous on me?"
Matt Bradbury
The Path to Carcosa #67. The Last King #.


Карти контактів

Each investigator at Ishimaru Haruko's location takes 1 horror.

Move each clue from Ishimaru Haruko to her location.

Flip this card to its enemy side, and switch it with the Bystander asset version of Ishimaru Haruko, removing that version from the game.

A nearby guest asks Haruko if she designed the dress she is wearing, and she nods and poses for him. As if part of her effort to appear taller, her spine grows and extends upward, separating her torso from the bottom half of her body. Instead of crying out in pain, she smiles at the attention she receives.
The Path to Carcosa #67. The Last King #7.
Ishimaru Haruko
Sickening Reality


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated August 2022): Erratum: The Lunatic trait on this card should read Possessed instead. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Last updated


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