Historical Society - Back


Forced - When an enemy spawns at this location: Reveal this location.

An unadorned wooden door leads to one of the ground floor rooms used by the Historical Society.

Historical Society
Historical Museum


Ground Floor.

Карти контактів
Shroud: 2. Clues: 1.

While investigating this location, your cannot be modified.

Most of the objects on display here are from the early 18th century, spanning Arkham's colonization and early history.
Mark Molnar
Echoes of the Past #130. Echoes of the Past #11.
Historical Society
Historical Society


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated January 2022): Erratum: This location’s ability should read: "While investigating this location, your cannot be increased." - FAQ v1.2, Jan 2018.

  • Q: In the rules for St.2 of a skill test, it says "The investigator performing this test gets +1 to his or her skill value during this test for each appropriate skill icon that is committed to this test." Does this mean that I can use Perception to get a higher skill value on a basic investigate at the Historical Museum (or use another card that raises skill value, like High Roller, Fieldwork, or Ice Pick), since they are not specifically increasing my intellect? And if the answer is 'no, those would be increasing your intellect ', does that then mean committing Defensive Stance to the circle test on Moss-Covered Steps (which therefore would be increasing both my combat and my agility , which then increases the boost Defensive Stance gives, etc.) provides an infinite skill value for the test?" A: To answer your question(s):

    • You could not commit Perception while investigating Historical Society, because Perception does modify your intellect during that skill test. A “+1 skill value” is an all-encompassing term suggesting that you’re getting +1 to the relevant skill that the test is checking. If you use Perception, you get a +1 skill value to your intellect.
    • Defensive Stance is not infinite; it only accounts for your current printed stats, and any modifiers you already had in play when you committed Defensive Stance to the test (such as Delilah O'Rourke’s passive ability).
Last updated


How does this Location interact with Rite of Seeking?

Does it reduce the users willpower to their intellect? Or doesn't it have any effect at all, as the investigator is not using their intellect?

Does this prevent commited Cards from increasing your ? Or do These modify the test itself and not Count toward base ?

Django · 5115
According to the errata, your intellect cannot be increased, so you can use Rite of Seeking and it will have no effect on your willpower. — YourGo · 2
And although you can commit cards to the test (for example, to gain two clues via Deduction), those cards will not be able to boost your intellect. Note, however, that the Flashlight will work to lower the shroud value of the Historical Society because it does not increase your intellect. — YourGo · 2
How does this card interact with cards like Lucky! or Duke's search ability? — Donel · 13
I think Duke is a different case because the investigate ability replaces Pete's base skill rather than adding to it. — Signum · 14
This includes skill cards or assets? Can I increase my (book) with an ally, like Milan Christopher? — MarcMF2 · 6