Акт. Stage 1
Карти контактів
Clues: 3.
Aside from the few patients giving you a wide berth, there aren’t any orderlies or doctors around to speak with. Looks like you’ll have to find Mr. Chesterfield on your own.
Jokubas Uogintas
The Unspeakable Oath #163. The Unspeakable Oath #5.
Key to the Basement - Back
Turning a corner, you nearly bump into a nurse with light brown hair and sharp features. You tell her about the violent patients and the strange things you've seen, but she doesn't listen. When you inquire about Daniel, she informs you that he is a patient of Dr. Mintz and that he resides in the secured basement level. Unfortunately, she refuses to let you into that area of the asylum.
The investigators must decide (choose one):
- Any investigator tests (4) to intimidate her into giving you the keys. If successful, advance to act 2a. If failed, you must choose an option you have yet to choose.
- Any investigator tests (4) to steal the keys from her. If successful, advance to act 2a. If failed, you must choose an option you have yet to choose.
- Any investigator tests (4) to persuade her to give you the keys. If successful, advance to act 2a. If failed, you must choose an option you have yet to choose.
- You knock her over and grab the keys. Remember that "you took the keys by force." Advance to act 2a.

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