Карти контактів
Each investigator heals 3 horror.
Deal 4 damage to an enemy in play other than Hastur.
Remove this card from the game, and replace it with another set-aside copy of Bleak Plains (move all investigators, enemies, and attachments from this location to the new copy of Bleak Plains). Add clues to that copy of Bleak Plains until it has clues on it equal to its clue value.
A sudden rift in the clouds above allows you to see the sky for the first time since arriving in this strange place. The sky is orange-tinted and devoid of darkness, but black stars shine above you. If the workings of Earthly science mean anything in this world, perhaps you can create a map of the stars above to find your way home. You find a long stick and begin to draw in the sand...
Dim Carcosa #326. Dim Carcosa #11.
Карти контактів
Shroud: 4. Clues: 1.
While you are at Bleak Plains, you cannot play Ally assets.
On every side of me stretched a bleak and desolate expanse of plain, covered with a tall overgrowth of sere grass, which rustled and whistled in the autumn wind...
– Ambrose Bierce, "An Inhabitant of Carcosa"
– Ambrose Bierce, "An Inhabitant of Carcosa"
Lukasz Jaskolski
Dim Carcosa #326. Dim Carcosa #11.

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