Карти контактів
Deal 1 damage to Hastur, exhaust him, and disengage him from all investigators.
Flip this card back over. For the remainder of the game, it cannot be flipped over again.
You come across a set of steps that look similar to the grand staircase of the palace from Act 1, Scene 4 of The King in Yellow - The very same stairs Cassilda nearly fell down when she fainted upon seeing the Stranger for the very first time. Shattering your reverie is the sound of a woman's gasp, and when you look up, you see Cassilda at the top of the steps, her expression shocked upon seeing your face. You rush up the staircase and catch her as she falls, wrapping your arms around her body. She dissolves into the cloudy mists around you.
Dim Carcosa #329. Dim Carcosa #20.
Карти контактів
Shroud: 4. Clues: 1.
While you are at Depths of Demhe, you cannot play fast cards.
Don’t look up.
Lukasz Jaskolski
Dim Carcosa #329. Dim Carcosa #20.

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