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Remember that you "know the secret."

Flip this card back over. For the remainder of the game, it cannot be flipped over again.

You stand before the palace of the King. Hastur's incessant whispering fills your mind, and you find it difficult to block his poisonous words from your thoughts. Seeing the palace in all its spectacle and glory, the memories come flooding back to you.
The Stranger. The King. Act 2.
The doors to the palace are open.
Dim Carcosa #331. Dim Carcosa #22.



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Shroud: 2. Clues: 3.

Palace of the King cannot be flipped over unless Hastur has at least 5 damage on him.

I pray God will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in its truth...
– Robert W. Chambers, "The Repairer of Reputations," The King in Yellow
Alexandr Elichev
Dim Carcosa #331. Dim Carcosa #22.
Hastur's End
Palace of the King


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Hastur stared at the boxer, who simply stared at the wall of the palace. He'd been doing so for some time, enough time for a Byakhee to fly up to the King and ask him why it wasn't allowed to help guard the Yellow Realm against the invaders. The King turned his gaze on the still-staring boxer, then on the broken-minded other invader, tightly clutching a bottle of temporary madness and mumbling about how she'd "forgotten her Lockpicks," and turned back to the Byakhee, asking "Would you truly be needed?" The petitioner hesitated, then shook its head and took wing, departing for better hunting grounds.

Gathering his robes, the King cleared his throat, reminding the boxer whose court he stood in. The boxer turned, but kept his eyes averted from the King, either out of (hopefully) decorum or the mad desire to keep himself imprisoned within the cage of sanity. The boxer's face was stoic, though strangely appeared confused, almost bemused; the Whispers of Wisdom the King had granted to him turmoiled within his mind, but the King could see that that wasn't what struck his foe. He had to know what had.

"Well?" he unleashed his voice, like the crashing of the sea waves that were breaking the boxer's home free of the chains of sanity. "Why does your mind waver, sense-maker? What truth confuses you now?"

The boxer swallowed, then said, "I know the secret."

The King's spirit ran cold; he was in greater peril than he thought. Desperately, he sent orders to the Byakhee outside the city, calling on them to protect their King.

He needn't have, though; the boxer quickly followed his words up with, "But I cannot make use of it."

The King grew curious at this, and sent his gaze into the boxer's mind. Show me what you mean, he said, and, thankfully, the boxer did so.

The King saw the Agenda, 8 DOOM piled high. He saw the freed woman, her mind only barely held together by the power of the King's realm. He saw his realm, spread out like a map, with two points containing some strange power that could harm their king, though tokens of some sort chained that power for the moment. He saw how the boxer felt he had to go to those points and remove those tokens, unleash the power chained there.

And he saw the 2 actions the boxer had left to do all that.

"I'm sorry you can't kill me," the King said, and truly meant it; it would've been a splendid story if the boxer and the freed woman had been able to, almost as good as The King in Yellow. Though, he had to admit, he was biased in that regard. "If it's any consolation, soon you shall be free, free of the shackles that have choked you your whole life."


Waves crash. Storm clouds boom. Suns, moons, and stars dance in a dizzying ballet in the merging skies above.

Wini took another drink as she impassively watched her world end. "I knew I should've brought my Lockpicks," she grumbled.

https://arkhamdb.com/huh? — MrGoldbee · 1473
A narrative attempt to describe my playthrough of Dim Carcosa, as well as warn players that Palace of the King doesn't deal any damage to Hastur when you flip it over; you still have to explore and flip other locations. — NightgauntTaxiService · 436
Heeeey, that was awesome! I've stumbled onto this while trying to google for opinions on what the secret is. Reading this, I thought, maybe the secret is that the characters realize they're in a game of arkham horror, and so it's totally possible to just kill the boss and win. Ooor maybe the secret is that this whole thing actually wasn't real, and it's mostly happening in your head, so you can do whatever, even defeat the unnameable, indescribable horror that is Joe (I don't call that fucker by his real name, them's the rules) — Rushional · 133