Карти контактів
Easy / Standard
: -1 (-3 instead if you are at an Ancient location).
: Reveal another token. If you fail, place 1 doom on a Cultist enemy.
: Reveal another token. If you fail and there is a Serpent enemy at your location, it attacks you.
: -4. If you fail, place 1 clue (from the token pool) on the nearest Ancient location.
The Boundary Beyond #161. The Boundary Beyond #1.
The Boundary Beyond - Back
Hard / Expert
: -2 (-4 instead if you are at an Ancient location).
: Reveal another token. If you fail, place 1 doom on each Cultist enemy.
: Reveal another token. If you fail, each Serpent enemy at your location attacks you.
: -4. Place 1 clue (from the token pool) on the nearest Ancient location.

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