Акт. Stage 1
Карти контактів
Clues: 2.
The energies of the Nexus swirl in the ground below you, beckoning you to enter. Whether it is a thing of science or magic, you do not know. It is a gateway of sorts, that much you can tell... but a gateway to where?
Forced - When an enemy would spawn at an empty location and there are no empty locations in play: Reveal cards from the exploration deck until a location is revealed. Put that location into play and spawn that enemy there. Shuffle the exploration deck.
Reiko Murakami
Shattered Aeons #318. Shattered Aeons #5.
Return to Another Time - Back
Each time you step through the Nexus, you get one step closer to your ultimate destination - a place that exists outside the boundaries of time and space...
Shuffle the set-aside A Pocket in Time location into the exploration deck.

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