After FAQ 2.1 was published, in accordance with entry 2.23 (p. 13), the sister is no longer to deny her Crisis of Faith - it does exist, which mean a single card as an emergency button doesn't work. However, another card comes to mind for Mary's weakness, which is Tides of Fate: play it next round right after the upkeep phase, and pack yourself with some Bless-Sealing cards, the weakness is reasonable to be played around.
Напасть. Слабкість
Revelation - For each token in the chaos bag, you must either replace it with a token or take 1 horror.

No faqs yet for this card.
This is a rough one, and you want to draw it as early as possible--or have an insurance policy that NEVER leaves your hand. There's been a couple of times where I had almost a full bag of bless tokens, and got hit for 4 horror AND 4 blessings changed to curses right about the time you're gearing up for that boss fight at the end of the scenario. Yeah, I powered through it, but it doesn't feel too good. And for that reason, thematically, I love this weakness.
This one is going to hurt you, with a few caveats: if your seeker friends help you find it, you can trigger it to do very little horror; if a fellow investigator is trying to use the grimoire, it could turn your tokens right back into blessings; you can use rite of sanctification to keep those blesses out of the bag.
Update: it seems the blessing tokens can be easily sealed. So this weakness is to prevent Mary from just flooding the bag and seeing what happens. As a weakness, it’s pretty interesting how it requires you to work with a rhythm, just like Thrice-Damned Curiosity.
Beat this with deny existence. (Thanks Death by Chocolate.)
Well, as I can see from the latest FAQ on Deny Existence card, since each choice is made independently and is not simultaneous, you can cancel only one point of horror instead of replacing one bless token with one copy of Deny Existence card. Seems I was playing it wrong and much easier than it actually is.