Загроза. Stage 1
Карти контактів
Doom: 6. Clues: –
"Furtiveness and secretiveness seemed universal in this hushed city of alienage and death, and I could not escape the sensation of being watched from ambush on every hand by sly, staring eyes that never shut." - H. P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth
Forced - If you defeat a Suspect enemy other than the kidnapper: Take control of each clue on that enemy. Record in your Campaign Log (name of enemy) is out for blood.
Cyril van der Haegen
The Innsmouth Conspiracy #57. The Vanishing of Elina Harper #2.
Followed - Back
If a decision to stick together is listed under "Memories Recovered" in your Campaign Log:
The town of Innsmouth grows more and more hostile with each day that passes. The townsfolk have caught on to your presence, and perhaps even the reason for your visit.
Shuffle the set-aside Winged One and both Hunting Nightgaunts into the encounter deck, along with the encounter discard pile.
If a decision to stick together is listed under "Memories Recovered" in your Campaign Log:
After several days of investigation, you meet up with Agent Dawson to check in with him. He shows you a figurine of emerald stone depicting some sort of aquatic monstrosity, a piece of heart-shaped amber embedded in its center. After the days you have spent investigating and researching this foul place, the creature is oddly familiar to you. "I'm glad I roped you in on this case," Dawson says. "It's looking less and less like mob work with each passing hour. Let's stick together from here on out."Choose an investigator to take control of the set-aside Thomas Dawson story asset. For the remainder of this scenario, he does not take up an ally slot.

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