
Item. Tome.

Cost: –.



Exhaust Teachings of the Order and choose one effect you have not yet chosen this campaign:

- Remove all tokens from the chaos bag.

- Remove a flood token from a non-Sanctum location.

- Defeat a non-Elite enemy at your location.

Dimitri Bielak
In Too Deep #151. In Too Deep #35.
Teachings of the Order


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This one is hard to get, the second hardest bonus objective in a difficult scenario.

I was playing is Daisy and unknowingly had another character complete the objective, which is a downer!

Each of these abilities is good. It could save your life in scenarios not too hard to imagine. But for Daisy, it’s a permanent, slotless boost to Whit Greene, and an extra card every time you get your elder sign for the rest of the campaign. If you are parallel Daisy, it’s a permanent +1 willpower. That means you can get up to a six with your special tote bag out, more if you somehow get Dr. Elli to carry a tome relic for you.

MrGoldbee · 1473
Parallel Daisy can get 8 tomes (not counting "Teachings of the Order"). 2 from Handslots, 2 from "Arcane Enlightenment", 2 from "Daisy's Tote Bag", and 2 "Shoffner's Catalogue" which takes up no handslots. — GrueneLupenAufheben · 138
More now from the Quill! — MrGoldbee · 1473

Yes, the fact that it's a permanent tome that doesn't take up a hand slot is good for regular Daisy, and awesome for parallel Daisy. I also have a question for the community about how this works in the Daisy one-off "Read or Die."

The set-up instructions for "Read or Die" have you "Remove each non-weakness tome asset from Daisy Walker's deck" -- which would include Teachings of the Order. Then you are supposed to put those tomes under locations. In the scenario, you can pay clues to shuffle these assets (without looking at them) into your deck. The goal is to draw and play as many as you can in order to defeat the Namer of the Dead and earn xp. But what happens when you draw Teachings of the Order? The possibility of drawing a "Permanent" card is something we have not seen in Arkham. Obviously you can't play the dern thing -- it has no cost, not even a zero. Would the "Permanent" keyword that normally makes the card "start each game in play" leap into effect belatedly, putting the Teachings into play as soon as you draw it? I don't think so... My reading is that the Teachings would simply be stranded in your hand -- unplayable, undiscardable -- though I suppose you could trigger one of its abilities from your hand with Knowledge is Power... Technically the rules don't forbid drawing a permanent asset, having it in your hand, or shuffling it into your deck (you just can't shuffle it into the deck "during setup"). The conditions for doing any of those things just haven't existed until now.

Anyone else want to weigh in on this fascinating conundrum?

Hang on! I edit my review to suggest a solution. If Daisy were to take Versatile and Sleight of Hand, she could sling the Teachings into play for a single turn, no? Long enough to Parley the Namer and finish the scenario! Problem solved...? Although, dangit, the taboo'd Sleight of Hand requires the item to be level 0-3, and the Teachings have no level at all...

The rules under permanent also say permanent cards can't be shuffled into the deck during the scenario , right? So you can't shuffle it in that way. FWIW, I think what happens here is that because investigator set-up happens before scenario set-up (and permanents have to enter play in investigator set-up or Studious , Another Day Another Dollar and Stick to the Plan wouldn't work), the Teachings are already in play when Read or Die set-up tells you to remove them and since permanent cards can't leave play they just stay there. It gives you a lucky break for playing Read or Die in the second half of the Innsmouth conspiracy and doing a good job on In Too Deep, I guess , but there are several ways specific story cards can do that sort of thing. If you're interested in weird rules curiosities, a specific permanent unique item can produce a similar situation in a specific scenario whose set-up interacts with unique items. — bee123 · 31
Is there a source for a blanket ruling that “permanent cards can’t leave play”? From what I’ve seen, Matt has been quite careful to only rule against specific methods by which they might do so. — Tamsk · 1
The FAQ says this under Rulebook errata - (v1.1) Rules Reference page 16, column 2, “Permanent” The fourth bullet point should read: “A card with the permanent keyword cannot leave play (except by elimination).” I think that's pretty unambiguous, right? — bee123 · 31
The official rules only say permanents can't be shuffled into the deck "during setup" -- shuffling. Also, the tomes are explicitly removed dyring the "Investigator setup" phase. But maybe you could still say that the permanents enter play at an earlier point in the investigator phase? them at other times isn't mentioned. And are — Mordenlordgrandison · 457
@bee So it does, my apologies. For some reason, the arkhamdb copy of the RR hasn’t been edited to reflect that erratum, though it has others. — Tamsk · 1
@bee123, I think I've come around to your view. Step 4 of Appendix III (Setting up the Game) is to "Assemble and shuffle the investigator decks." At that point, the permanents would have to enter play, because you can't shuffle them in. And the instruction in "Read or Die" to "Remove all tomes" from your deck obviously can't be done until your deck is assembled. This rule gives no window between the deck being assembled and the deck being shuffled, during which the permanents could potentially be plucked out. — Mordenlordgrandison · 457