- NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated August 2022): Erratum: The purchase restriction on this card should be replaced with the keyword: "Researched." - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Cryptic Grimoire
Text of the Elder Herald
Актив. Hand
Item. Tome. Cursed.
Cost: 3. XP: 4.
: After you resolve 1 or more tokens during a skill test: Place that many secrets on Cryptic Grimoire.
When you play an Insight event during your turn, spend 2 secrets: That event gains fast. Reduce its cost by 1.

Related Cards
- Cryptic Grimoire: Untranslated (The Innsmouth Conspiracy #22)
- Cryptic Grimoire: Text of the Elder Guardian (4) (Horror in High Gear #192)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
What were they thinking.
It needs to proc once to break even in actions, and 3 times to break even in resources in the ideal operating environment. That's placing and subsequently pulling at least 6 curses (and not cancelling them) AFTER the tome has been played, each of which on a subset of Insight events. All that to break even INSIDE a scenario... not counting the prerequisite quest or the 8xp playset. And it has to compete in the hand slot.
This card is better than it seems. Yes, you read that right.
It is an intriguing build-around for Rex Murphy decks. First, remember that you have to Resolve the tokens, not just Reveal them (so no Rod of Carnamagos shenanigans). Rex’s infamous Rex's Curse makes you not only Reveal but also Resolve tokens TWICE per test. But wait, there’s more! After you Resolve the tokens during the initial Rex's Curse check, you return them to the bag. This means that you can draw them again on the second part of the test, giving you a better chance of drawing the tokens and adding even more Secrets to the Cryptic Grimoire.
Once you have set up your assets and got the game rolling, you can expect to perform 2-3 Skill tests per round, including Investigate and Treachery checks. With Rex's Curse, you get to Resolve tokens 4-6 times per round (assuming you keep succeeding in the tests so you don’t shuffle Rex's Curse back into the deck). That’s plenty of chances to add Secrets to the Grimoire when using a deck. And what can you do with the Grimoire’s discounted Fast Insight cards? EVEN MORE Skill tests, each giving TWO chances to Resolve tokens (though most relevant Insight cards are testless). This card turns Rex's Curse into a signature boon.
There is, of course, a risk of failing Skill tests due to the tokens, but even then, you are not left high and dry because at least you get the Secrets to play your Fast Insight cards to make up for the failed test.
In addition to some Insight cards, Rex Murphy can generate tokens with Gabriel Carillo, and by throwing away his stuffy nerd glasses and replacing them with new sparkling Prismatic Spectacles.
Some notable Insight cards for Rex are Rex’s own signature card Search for the Truth, Burning the Midnight Oil, Deep Knowledge, Delve Too Deep, Drawn to the Flame, Existential Riddle, Preposterous Sketches, Stirring Up Trouble, and Ravenous Myconid's Uncanny Growth.