

Cost: 2. XP: 4.


Uses (2 resources). Replenish these resources at the start of each round.

Spend 1 resource from your resource pool or from Hyperawareness: You get +1 or +1 for this skill test.

Aurore Folny
The Lair of Dagon #264.


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One of the less taken core set talents, Hyperawareness has a weird set of stat's, and as such, not many characters actually like it. In older campaigns is a relatively weak stat that's little tested, is obviously universally useful, but Hyperawareness is costly to play and costly to run, so characters that might use it (Roland Banks comes to mind) cannot actually afford to. Since then has picked up as a useful stat in newer campaigns, so characters are actually picking it for the ability to get out of danger.

Enter: Hyperawareness, a clue focused character is all but guaranteed to find use for +2 free every single turn, and all of a suddent thei've got a very powerful emergency button to press when an enemy gets too close.

You'll most probably be looking at Hyperawareness when you're playing Rex Murphy, Ursula Downs or Harvey Walters, the former two might actually even consider using it to fuel some killing with an Ornate Bow.

Good card, it's just a bit niche.

Tsuruki23 · 2559

I was flipping through my Seeker cards for a Rex Murphy deck I'm currently running, and I saw this. I considered taking it, but then I compared it to Higher Education, which recently (as of this writing) came off the taboo list, and it made me realize why Higher Education was put on the taboo list in the first place lol. Sure, this can give you a free +2 every round, but Higher Education can get you much higher AND, because it's a Permanent, you don't have to worry about drawing it or taking an action to put it into play. I like the idea of the level 4 Talents (and I also love cards that replenish their uses every round), but I think Hyperawareness 4 will see the least play from me out of all of them.