Карти контактів
Easy / Standard
: -1 for each key on this card.
: 0. Reveal an additional chaos token. If you reveal 1 or more tokens during this test, you automatically fail.
: -3. If you fail, place each key you control on your location.
: -4. If you fail, add 1 token to the chaos bag.
The Lair of Dagon #274. The Lair of Dagon #1.
The Lair of Dagon - Back
Hard / Expert
: -2 for each key on this card.
: -2. Reveal an additional chaos token. If you reveal 1 or more tokens during this test, you automatically fail.
: -3. Place each key you control on your location and take 1 damage.
: -4. Add 2 tokens to the chaos bag.

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