Mountainside - Back


You cannot enter this location unless all of the clues on the location directly below it have been discovered.

"The touch of evil mystery in these barrier mountains, and in the beckoning sea of opalescent sky glimpsed betwixt their summits, was a highly subtle and attenuated matter..."
– H. P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness



Карти контактів
Shroud: 3. Clues: 1.

Forced – After you move to White Bluff from a location below it: Test (X). X is 1 plus this location’s level. If you fail, lose control of an Expedition asset and place it at White Bluff.

Victory 1.
David Frasheski
На краю світу Путівник по кампанії #101. To the Forbidden Peaks #6.
White Bluff
White Bluff


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