

Карти контактів

Revelation – Attach to the nearest location with at least 1 clue, and without a copy of Polar Mirage attached.

Forced – After you discover or take control of 1 or more clues at attached location: Discard each non-weakness card in your hand. Discard Polar Mirage.

Lake Hurwitz
На краю світу Путівник по кампанії #212. Silence and Mystery #1-2.
Polar Mirage


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The mystic in my group played Sixth Sense in that scenario and discovered a clue on an adjacent location while being at the Polar Mirage. Do they trigger Polar Mirage or not? Does the "at the attached location" refer to the clue obtained, or the location of the investigator?

In the same campaign we have Kindred Mist using the wording "while you are at the attached location", but we also have Snow Graves using the wording "clue from this location" Neither of them uses the wording "at". So which is it?

SadChara · 1
For Polar Mirage, the condition looks to pretty much be: Did you take a clue from the location that has the mirage? If so, it doesn't matter where YOU are when you got it- you fulfilled the condition on Polar Mirage, and activate its effect. — HanoverFist · 741
I do definitely see what you mean about how "at" could grammatically refer to either you or the clues, but it would seem very strange if the effect was intended to activate just because a person in that room acquired a clue, agnostic of where it came from. — HanoverFist · 741
1. This isn't really an intended place for rules questions, I recommend the mythos busters discord who have loads of lovely knowledgeable people who can go into more detail. 2. I don't know for sure about the wording on polar mirage but 3. It doesn't actually matter for sixth sense because sixth sense causes you to be investigating "as if" at that location. Per the faq other abilities resolved during the duration are resolved with the altered game state in mind, so for the purposes of polar mirage you are at that location while resolving sixth senses special investigate. — NarkasisBroon · 10
Thank you for your answer! I didn't realize the "as if" interaction would do that. Ilm didn't know about the mythos buster discord, I'll make sure to go there next time! — SadChara · 1