Загроза. Stage 3
Карти контактів
Doom: 9. Clues: –
It is clear now that Inspector Flint's hunches were correct. The man in the red gloves is not operating alone, and whatever he is up to, it has something to do with the recent vanishings. You could wait to report what you have seen, but by then the man and his cohorts may have already put into motion whatever scheme the planning. No - you have only one choice. You must find the man with the red gloves, at all costs.
Borja Pindado
The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion #4. Riddles and Rain #4.
Mysterious Shapes - Back
As the night grows deeper and the rain becomes a torrent, you flinch at every moving shadow, every sound, every shape. You wonder if perhaps this investigation is getting the best of you.
Or maybe there are more of them than you thought, watching you. Lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.
Or maybe there are more of them than you thought, watching you. Lying in wait for the perfect opportunity to strike.
The lead investigator must decide (choose one):
- Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Coterie Agent enemy and draw it. Shuffle the encounter deck.
- Each investigator takes 1 damage and 1 horror.

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