Erratum: Replace the seventh bullet point during Setup with the following:
- Find the double-sided La Chica Roja card, flip her to her enemy side, and resolve her concealed keyword, distributing each of those concealed mini-cards as evenly as possible among each location with a target. - FAQ, v.2.1, August 2023
Q: I had a question regarding effects that "cancel all effects of cards committed to this skill test" which arise in both Where Doom Awaits and Sanguine Shadows. Specifically are there any skill effects not cancelled by these effects? My primary confusion results from cards like On the Mend. If On The Mend's Forced effect is also cancelled is it discarded instead of being returned to Vincent's set aside area? If so and Vincent shuffles his discard into his deck how should the Limit 1 in hand be resolved if he attempts to draw a copy of On the Mend when one is already there? Similarly for things like Unrelenting, is the text that returns the sealed tokens at test end canceled? Does it matter because the default rules for seal would resolve at that time? A: We reviewed the scenario cards in question and we will plan to address them in the next FAQ, either with errata or with additional clarification. We believe that, when a scenario card such as Where Doom Awaits states to “cancel the effects and icons” of committed skill cards, this only applies to non-weakness skill cards and only lasts until Step 7 of that skill test. This should clarify our intentions for such a scenario. This should allow for On the Mend to be returned to hand as intended instead of discarded, and for Weakness skill cards such as Dreams of the Deep to function as intended. As for Unrelenting, there is already a rule in place that if a card with sealed tokens leaves play, those tokens are immediately released, so the tokens would still be returned even if the card’s effects were canceled during the test.
Easy / Standard
: –X. X is the number of targets on this card.
: –5. If you fail by 2 or more, shuffle each concealed mini-card at your location and at each connecting location facedown, then place them at random in the positions they were in.
: –1. Cancel the effects and icons of each card committed to this skill test.
: -2. If you fail, you must either place 1 doom on the current agenda, or the nearest Coterie enemy attacks you (even if its in the shadows).
Sanguine Shadows - Back
Hard / Expert
: –X. X is 1 more than the number of targets on this card.
: –7. If you fail by 2 or more, shuffle each concealed mini-card at your location and at each connecting location facedown, then place them at random in the positions they were in.
: –2. Cancel the effects and icons of each card committed to this skill test.
: -3. If you fail, you must either place 1 doom on the current agenda, or the nearest Coterie enemy attacks you (even if its in the shadows).

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
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