The Beast in a Cowl of Crimson
Ravager in Red
Humanoid. Coterie. Elite.
Карти контактів
Fight: 3.
Health: 3.
Evade: 4.
Damage: 2.
Horror: 2.
Patrol (nearest location with a Key Locus). Retaliate.
Forced - When The Beast in a Cowl of Crimson would be defeated: Instead, heal all damage from it, exhaust it, and move it to Catacboms of Kom el Shoqafa, unengaged.
Victory 1.
Carlos Palma Cruchaga
The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion #155. Dogs of War #24.
The Beast in a Cowl of Crimson
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Humanoid. Coterie. Elite.
Карти контактів
Fight: 3.
Health: 5.
Evade: 4.
Damage: 2.
Horror: 2.
Forced - After you fail a skill test while at The Beast in a Cowl of Crimson's location, if it is ready: It shifts each of its attached keys.
Victory 1.
The thing in the cowl growls, its voice low and gutteral. Is it even human?
Carlos Palma Cruchaga
The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion #155. Dogs of War #24.

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- The Beast in a Cowl of Crimson: Leaving a Trail of Destruction (The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion #255)
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