Monster. Geist. Elite.
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Fight: 3.
Health: 4.
Evade: 3.
Damage: 1.
Horror: 1.
Uncanny Shadow gets +1 health.
Discard 1-3 cards from your hand at random: Parley. Test (6). Reduce the difficulty of this test by 1 for each card you discarded as part of this action's cost. If you succeed, flip this card and resolve the text on its other side.
Forced - When Uncanny Shadow would be defeated: Flip it over and resolve the text on its other side.
Adam S. Doyle
The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion #174. Shades of Suffering #16.
Карти контактів
If an investigator has "peered beyond," read the following (otherwise, flip this card back to its enemy side, heal all damage from it, disengage it from all investigators, and exhaust it):
"It is the spirit of a girl. She watched many stories unfold in this very theater," says Melati. The shadow on the screen forms a hungry smile filled with sharp teeth that turns to a fearful frown. "She is loathe to let go of this place, for she does not know if her story will continue." As Melati translates, you assure the spirit that you have looked beyond the veil and she can leave this plane of existence. As the hoary shadows dissipate, you feel a coldness as you reflect on what you saw - and didn't see - in the beyond. Was it wrong to reassure her?
Add this card to the victory display.
Victory 1.
The theater fills with cacophonous laughter as a spindly shape on the paper screen grows menacing. Melati stride forward, her voice firm. "I know that you are restless," she says. "But you have nothing to fear from us." She intones a low chant in Malay.
The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion #174. Shades of Suffering #16.

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