Monster. Geist. Elite.
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Fight: 4.
Health: 5.
Evade: 2.
Damage: 1.
Horror: 1.
Slain Foreman gets +1 health.
Discard an asset you control: Parley. Test (6). Reduce the difficulty of this test by the printed cost of the asset discarded as part of this action's cost. If you succeed, flip this card and resolve the text on its other side.
Forced - When Slain Foreman would be defeated: Flip it over and resolve the text on its other side.
Tiziano Baracchi
The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion #176. Shades of Suffering #19.
Карти контактів
If an investigator has "shared a deep pain," read the following (otherwise, flip this card back to its enemy side, heal all damage from it, disengage it from all investigators, and exhaust it):
Melati prepares a ritual of banishment as you stare into the spirit's eyes. While the bomoh chants, you feel a ripple of pain resonate in your own mind, and for a moment you glimpse a memory from the rail worker's life: them, holding a sledgehammer, as a shadowy figure stood above them, smiling cruelly. A sudden blur of motion, followed by an awful screech. As the memory fades, so too does the spirit.
Add this card to the victory display.
Victory 1.
A pained howl echoes through the station as the shade bears down on you, bleeding ethereal blood and clutching its side. Melati holds up one hand to stop you. "This spirit is in great distress for a loss," she says. "It will only respond to one who has shared in its anguish."
The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion #176. Shades of Suffering #19.

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