Акт. Stage 1
Карти контактів
Clues: 2.
The legacy of Pearl Ridge is a story of note amongst the locals. The Pearls were a prominent family like the Hemlocks and Atwoods, but the family vanished in a curious incident back in 1906. What could have happened here?
Objective - When the round ends, investigators at the Pearl Estate Ruins may spend the requisite number of clues, as a group, to advance.
Carlos Palma Cruchaga
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion #53. The Silent Heath #5.
"The Warrens" - Back
Amongst the ruins of the Pearl Estate, you find Susan Pearl's diary. It details attempts to explore tunnels beneath the ridge. They were called "The Warrens" due to their mazelike structure. Perhaps some of the Pearl family disappeared in the surrounding tunnels, but why? You resolve to investigate.
Randomly put the three set-aside locations from the Horrors in the Rock encounter set into play, unrevealed, adjacent to the three starting locations as explained on page 20 of the Campaign Guide.
Take the remaining set-aside locations (Salt Chamber, Larval Tunnel, and Crystal Nursery) along with the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Shuffle them together and randomly deal 1 card facedown beneath each location.

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