Theo Peters
Jack of All Trades
Cost: –.
Health: 2.
Sanity: 3.
While you control Theo Peters, you may take an additional action during your turn, which can only be used to move.
Choose and discard X cards from your hand, where X is the current day number: Parley. ([codex] 8).
Forced - After Theo Peters is defeated: Set him aside, out of play. In your Campaign Log, decrease his Relationship Level.
Drazenka Kimpel
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion #200. Residents #8.
Humanoid. Resident. Elite.
Fight: 3.
Health: 3.
Evade: 3.
Damage: 1.
Horror: –.
Elusive. Alert.
Discard 3 cards at random from your hand: Parley. Set Theo Peters aside, out of play.
"We're all family here. Except for you!"
Drazenka Kimpel
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion #200. Residents #8.

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