

Карти контактів

Revelation - Discard the top 5 cards of your deck. For each card in your hand that matches one of the cards (by title), discard that card from your hand and lose 1 action. Shuffle each weakness discarded by this effect into your deck.

Nele Diel
Return to the Forgotten Age #76. Temporal Hunters #1-3.
Merging Timelines


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Finally a treachery to compete with Ancient Evils for most annoying treachery in the game. Have an asset you are trying to get into play but haven't been able to find it? This will make sure you don't have to worry about that anymore.

Waiting for the third card of three aces or easy mark? Just lose all of them and your turn while you're at it.

Absolutely brutal and can completely ruin some characters.

drjones87 · 193
Funny I consider this one of the tamest treacheries in the game, when you don't hoard cards in hand this will very rarely hit more than 1 match, and 1 discard lose 1 action is amazing for a forgotten age treachery. — Zerogrim · 294
Even if you're playing Big Hand you're very unlikely to lose your whole turn. It's a pain to lose Three Aces I agree, but this doesn't damage your or affect your current board position. I played Big AmHanda through FA, and like - I didn't love this Treachery but I wouldn't put it next to Ancient Evils. Most Big Hand Gators are a few turns ahead of the Agenda in the first place. — Maseiken · 1
I totally agree. This card is new in the "Return to"-version of Forgotten Age, and it's one of the worst game design choices I've seen so far in the entire game. Many cards scream for specialized deck-building; it's the heart and the blood of the game. If you depend on one ally (Gloria Goldberg - Alyssa Graham), it's possible you can kiss the campaign goodbye. They could have made it a test. Test something against 5 and lose 1 card in the described way for each point you fail by. Then you would have some agency. But no. It's basically a test against 5, while everybody auto-fails. A "fuck you"-card for everybody who took the time and energy to make a more specialized deck. Or put 10xp into two Runic Axes and lose both with one card. After they demand money for their FA bug fix, one should think it becomes playable. — dling · 1