Monster. Geist. Witch. Spectral. Elite.
Heretic gets +2 health.
While Heretic is at a non-Spectral location, it gains aloof and cannot be engaged or damaged.
Spend 1 clue: Parley. Look at Heretic's other side (without resolving its text).
Forced - After Heretic is defeated: Flip it over and resolve the text on its other side.
The drowned spirit lunges for you, croaking with the garbled sounds of torment. Sodden weeds are tangled through its hair.
Keep this card in your threat area (this side faceup). If you are eliminated, flip it over.
Forced - At the end of the round: You must either discard an asset you control or flip this card back to its enemy side.
If you are at Hangman's Brook and it has no clues on it: Test a skill of your choice (5). If you succeed, the ghost is "banished" (resolve the text below).
Do not read until this ghost is "banished."
At the bottom of the riverbank, you find the spirit's remains. You dig a shallow grave beside the brook and there you lay its body to rest, dry and safe at long last.
Add this card to the victory display.

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