Carl Sanford
Lusting for Power
Leader. Guest. Silver Twilight.
Cost: –.
Health: 3.
Sanity: 3.
You get +1 . You have one additional arcane slot.
After a revelation effect on a non-weakness treachery is canceled, exhaust Carl Sanford: Add that treachery to the victory display. Draw 1 card.
Forced - When Carl Sanford leaves play: Remove him from the game.
Nicholas Elias
The Midwinter Gala #34. The Midwinter Gala #34.
Carl Sanford
Intimidating Presence
Humanoid. Leader. Rival. Elite.
Fight: 3.
Health: –.
Evade: 3.
Damage: –.
Horror: 1.
Aloof. Hunter.
Carl Sanford cannot be damaged.
Each investigator at this location gets -1 .
"The Jewel is mine."
Nicholas Elias
The Midwinter Gala #34. The Midwinter Gala #34.

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