Карти контактів
Easy / Standard
: -X. X is the strength of the abyss.
: Reveal another token. If you fail and the strength of the abyss is 3 or lower, add 1 strength to the abyss.
: -1. For this skill test, ignore all bonuses to your skill value.
: -4. If you succeed and the strength of the abyss is 4 or more, remove 1 strength from the abyss.
Guardians of the Abyss #16. The Night's Usurper #1.
The Night's Usurper - Back
Hard / Expert
: -X. X is 1 more than the strength of the abyss.
: Reveal another token. If you fail and the strength of the abyss is 5 or lower, add 1 strength to the abyss.
: -3. For this skill test, ignore all bonuses to your skill value.
: -5. If you succeed and the strength of the abyss is 4 or more, remove 1 strength from the abyss.

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