Professor Nathaniel Taylor
Keeper of Antiquities
Humanoid. Cultist. Brotherhood.
Карти контактів
Fight: 3.
Health: 4.
Evade: 4.
Damage: –.
Horror: 1.
Spawn - Outskirts of Cairo.
As a group, investigators at Professor Nathaniel Taylor's location discard cards from hand with a total of at least 4 icons among them: Parley. Add Professor Nathaniel Taylor to the victory display.
Victory 1.
Borja Pindado
Guardians of the Abyss #36. Brotherhood of the Beast #6.
Карти контактів
After an investigator has "bought an odd trinket," read the following (if this task has already been completed, read the following immediately):
You set the trinket down on the professor's desk. He puts on his monocle and examines it carefully. "Intriguing!" he exclaims. "This could only have come from a particular tomb in the royal crypts. Most scholars don't believe it exists." He rises to his feet and shakes your hand. "Give me some time to study this further. Perhaps if we both make it out of this alive, I can resubmit my thesis," he says with a morbid chuckle.
Remove 1 strength from the abyss. (Group limit once per game.)
Victory 1.
"I'll be dead soon anyway," Professor Taylor admits with a deep sigh. "If it's not you, or the Brotherhood, it'll be the tumor in my lung." He dumps the ashes in his pipe and sets it on his table before turning back towards you. "Fine. I'm certain it'll be the death of both of us, but I'll help you out. Don't know what you expect of me, exactly. I suppose if you found one of the Brotherhood's artifacts, I could study it for you."
Guardians of the Abyss #36. Brotherhood of the Beast #6.

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