Part 1.
Revelation - Spawn the set-aside Mi-Go General at the Fungus Mound. Place 1 clues on the Fungus Mound. Put this card into play, next to the act deck.
Forced - If Mi-Go General is defeated, or if there are no clues on the Fungus Mound: Remember that "the Mi-Go were driven off." Flip this card over.
Forced - If there are 4 or more clues on Fungus Mound: Remember that "the secret of the ooze was stolen." Flip this card over.
Drive Off the Mi-Go - Back
Read only if "the secret of the ooze was stolen:"
Remove Mi-Go General and this card from the game. Until the end of the game, each Mi-Go Drone gets +2 health and +2 evade. Place this card next to the scenario reference card, as a reminder.
Read only if "the Mi-Go were driven off:"
Chittering unnaturally, the alien general flees. Its strange weapon unhinges from its arm and clatters to the ground in front of you as it flies into space.
Put the set-aside Mi-Go Weapon story asset into play under any investigator's control. Add Mi-Go General and this card to the victory display. Search the encounter deck, discard pile, and all play areas for each copy of Mi-Go Drone and remove them from the game. Gain 1 countermeasure.

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