Lt. Wilson Stewart
Logistical Genius

Актив. Ally

Ally. Agency. Veteran.

Cost: 2.

Health: 2. Sanity: 2.

Exhaust Lt. Wilson Stewart: Discard a card from your hand or from the top of your deck. Then, for each...

... icon on that card, get +1 for your next test this round.

... icon on that card, draw 1 card.

... icon on that card, heal 1 damage or horror from him.

... icon on that card, gain 1 resource.

James Ives
The Blob That Ate Everything #32. Mi-Go Incursion #12.
Lt. Wilson Stewart


No faqs yet for this card.


There are obvious synergies here with survivor, with Yorick being the best partner for Lieutenant Wilson (although Wendy can have fun too, getting additional benefits from her events). Patrice digs him because she always has the cards to toss. And Norman Withers will absolutely love him, because you know exactly what you’re going to discard.

There are some edge cases where Wilson Stewart becomes neat, like when you scry your own deck and can put your weakness on top… then discard it. Or combine have with the upgraded seeker scroll of secrets, with the potential to discard one weakness, put another on top of your deck, and then discard it, and drawing a card you might actually like.

Or you have a draw heavy character like a rogue with the lucky cigarette case. Know that the bottom of your deck is mostly dregs? Toss it! Or pair with Yaotl!

MrGoldbee · 1473
How does he work with Wilds? I guess, not at all? Even though, they are not specifically excluded like on the Yaotle-card. — Susumu · 372
"A Wild skill icon on a player card may be used to match any other skill icon for the purposes of both card abilities and counting how many matching icons are committed to a skill test. When using Wild icons for the purpose of resolving a card ability, a player must state which icon the Wild is matching at the time the card is used." Wilds are whatever you want, it seems. — suika · 9491
So toss a Last Chance at this and pick 5 effects of your choice. — suika · 9491
I guess you are right, but "Last Chance" would still loose icons for cards in your hand. — Susumu · 372
That's not true. Last Chance only loses icons if it were committed. Per FAQ on Yaotl: Q: How does Yaotl work in combination with Steadfast, Curiosity, Cunning, Prophesy or Able Bodied, or other skill cards that gain icons while committed to tests? A: The abilities on skill cards are only active while they are being committed to a skill test, unless otherwise specified. In this case the skill cards will only have their printed icons while they are in your discard pile, hand, or any other state other than while they are being committed to a skill test. (This includes an effect that says something like "discard a card from your hand with at least X icons...") — suika · 9491
Ups, you are right. — Susumu · 372

The "new" double-attribute based skill cards can make Lt. Wilson Stewart absolutely amazing.

Unlike other skills cards (like Strength in Numbers) which only gain icons while committed, these skill cards all have the added text: "While [Card] is in your hand ... it gains {skill 1} icons equal to {skill 2} and {skill 2} icons equal to {skill 1}"

"From FAQ - A: The abilities on skill cards are only active while they are being committed to a skill test, unless otherwise specified."

With just 4 and 4 , discarding Survey the Area to Lt. Wilson Stewart would draw 4 cards and gain you 4 resources at fast speed.

Daerthalus · 16
Blob has some real gamebreakers. — MrGoldbee · 1473
They don't have those icons in your discard pile, though? — housh · 171
Once a card is discarded, it's no longer in your hand, and doesn't have the additional icons... — fiatluxia · 67
Hmm ... I figured it counted the icons it had in hand since the card was discarded from hand. How would it work if you discarded [Essence of the Dream](/card/06113). The card is set aside instead of being put into the discard pile. — Daerthalus · 16
It's not clear, but we cannot resolve post-then effect since we didn't resolve pre-then effect successfully, IMO. — elkeinkrad · 499
Essence of the Dream is set aside. But we still can count the number of icons on it for the effect. The same is with these cards. Unnless you have some effect that states "when you would discard a card, leave it in your hand instead", I would consider that we count the number of icons in accordance of the actual place where the card is, and the card is in discard pile with no additional icons. — chrome · 59
These double skills definitely don't work with Wilson. They lose all icons the moment they enter your discard pile, and nothing in Wilson's text suggests that you do the counting before the discard. The situation with Essence is not as clear-cut, but I'd lean towards Essence not working with Wilson either. I'm pretty sure the post-then part only goes off if the pre-then part executed exactly as written, with no replacements. But I do have to admit I don't have a specific reference for that in mind. — TheNameWasTaken · 3