Unlike all the other "If you fail, you must either ... or ..." effects, this one does not contain the word "must", which implies that you can choose to place 2 clues on your location even if you have none.
The section "Must" in the rules reference says: "In the absence of the word “must” while choosing among multiple options, any option may be chosen upon the resolution of the effect—even an option that does not change the game state."
Or am I missing something? Could this be an oversight by the designers?
You can only place clues you have. If you are "creating clues," the card will include the phrase "(from the token bank)." it's a pretty rare situation. If you cannot place the clues, you must select the other option.
· 1073
@LivefromBenefitSt The question isn't about placing new clues. The question is about the fact that, since there is no "must" in the text, you are allowed to choose the place clues option even if you have none and then the card ends up doing nothing.
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I strongly suspect the word "must" should be there, but, as written it looks like you can chose to "place clues" even if you have to place 1 or 0. You would not place more clues than you had in your possession (since you can only pay costs with elements in your possession). if you have 4+ clues, you need to do both (again, to the extent possible).
· 1073
I certainly didn't want to imply that one could create clues out of thin air with this effect, because that would be nonsense indeed. But it seems one can choose the clues-option even if it doesn't change the game state in the end.
· 14
This was asked to MJ on a live stream of mythos busters playing WotoG and this just seems to be an omission of the word must.
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Do you have a time stamp for the video by any chance? I couldn't find anything skipping through it.
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