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Setup: Place the Nikola Tesla asset at the Past River Docks. Flip this story card over.
Thomas and Mary met as promising undergraduate students attending Miskatonic University. It is paramount that these two gifted minds meet and form an everlasting friendship.
Famed inventor Nikola Tesla is touring America and has arrived in Arkham by sea. You know Thomas and Mary witnessed Tesla's electrifying demonstration and regarded it as highly inspirational in their pursuit of science.
In its devotion to the sciences, the Universtiy is looking to upgrade and expand its campus. High on the wish list is an observatory, but a lack of funding makes such an exorbitant facility unlikely. A sizable donation would surely get the momentum started on such a notable project.
Famed inventor Nikola Tesla is touring America and has arrived in Arkham by sea. You know Thomas and Mary witnessed Tesla's electrifying demonstration and regarded it as highly inspirational in their pursuit of science.
In its devotion to the sciences, the Universtiy is looking to upgrade and expand its campus. High on the wish list is an observatory, but a lack of funding makes such an exorbitant facility unlikely. A sizable donation would surely get the momentum started on such a notable project.
Machinations Through Time #6. Machinations Through Time #5.
A Noble Legacy (Past) - Back
If you, Thomas Corrigan, and Mary Zielinski are all at the Past Miskatonic University: Announce "Thomas and Mary have met."
If Thomas Corrigan, Mary Zielinski, and Nikola Tesla are all at the same location, spend 2 clues, as a group: Announce "Thomas and Mary are inspired by Nikola Tesla."
If you are at the Past Miskatonic University, spend 2 resources: Announce "funding for an observatory has begun."
Objective - If all 3 abilities on this story card have been triggered, add it to the victory display (Place a resource token over each ability when it is triggered).

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