Карти контактів
Setup: Set the Old Sadie Sheldon enemy and all 3 copies of the Sheldon Gang enemy aside, out of play. Remove the Tyr'thrha enemy from the game. You make a deal with Old Sadie Sheldon: each investigator playing the present era gains 2 resources.
Victory 1.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Out of options, you go to the infamous crime boss, Old Sadie Sheldon. Notorious for bottlegging large quantities of Canadian whiskey, Sheldon and his gang maintain a vast reserve of cash for those in need of an urgent loan. Just be sure you reimburse the short-tempered kingpin in a timely fashion...
Machinations Through Time #39. Machinations Through Time #36.
Mob Troubles - Back
If "the debt has been paid," spend 1 clues, as a group: Search the play area, encounter deck, or encounter discard pile for a Sheldon Gang enemy and add it to the victory display. If you searched the encounter deck, shuffle it. This action does not cause attacks of opportunity.
Objective - If all 3 Sheldon Gang enemies are in the victory display, add this story card to the victory display.

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