Загроза. Stage 2
Карти контактів
Doom: 5. Clues: –
Défis de la Roulette is bustling on this busy night — the perfect cover for you and your crew. You hope that your long days of planning will pay off.
Forced - At the start of the enemy phase: Each investigator who is at the same location as a ready Casino enemy raises their alarm level by 1.
Forced - After an investigator defeats a Casino enemy: Raise that investigator's alarm level by 1.
Borja Pindado
Fortune and Folly #3. Fortune and Folly #3.
Bluff Called - Back
A voice from the roulette tables cuts clearly through the din of the entire casino: "Red 19!" Someone nearby shouts in excitement. A few moments later, the same voice calls out once more: "Red 19 hits again!" You hear murmurings around you. Such an event is highly improbable. For a moment, you feel a small crackling in the air, but you shrug it off. Then, just when normalcy seems to have reasserted itself, the voice calls out once more in disbelief: "Red 19 a third time!" The crackling is unmistakable this time and begins to intensify until everything seems to blur for a moment. When your vision clears, a terrible creature beyond all imagining stands in the middle of the crowded casino, towering above the humans surrounding it. With a sinking feeling, you remember Isamara's warning that the relic's presence might invite disaster. If that wasn't bad enough, said disaster will fall on those who are not favored by the bearer of the Wellspring.
Spawn the set-aside Dimensional Shambler at the Roulette Wheel. Shuffle the encounter discard pile and the set-aside Plan in Shambles encounter set into the encounter deck.
Raise each investigator's alarm level by 1.

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