Part 1.
Revelation - Put the set-aside Armored Car into play at the location farthest from the Fungus Mound. Spawn the set-aside Mi-Go Destroyer enemy at the Fungus Mound. Put this card into play next to the act deck.
Forced - After Armored Car enters the Fungus Mound: Remember that "the car reached its target." Flip this card over.
Forced - If Armored Car is defeated or devoured: Remember that "the escort failed." Flip this card over.
Escort the Car - Back
Read only if "the escort failed:"
Remove Mi-Go Destroyer, Armored Car, and this card from the game. Each investigator takes 1 damage. Lose 1 countermeasure.
Read only if "the car reached its target:"
It’s chilling what a machine of war can do when it’s fully unleashed, but in this case, you’re relieved at the thundering of its gun and the crunch of its tires on alien ground. With this area secure, the military can focus its efforts on the anomaly itself. Although they don’t thank you for your efforts directly, the detachment of agents following you around tells you they view you as an asset.
Put the set-aside G-Men story asset into play under any investigator’s control. Remove Armored Car from the game. Add Mi-Go Destroyer and this card to the victory display. Deal 5 damage to Subject 8L-08.

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