Part 1.
Revelation - Spawn the set-aside Mi-Go Scientist enemy at the location farthest from the Fungus Mound. Attach the set-aside Brain Case asset to Mi-Go Scientist. Put this card into play next to the act deck.
Forced - If Brain Case is at Research Site and under an investigator’s control: Remember that "the brain was recovered." Flip this card over.
Forced - If Brain Case is at Fungus Mound and attached to Mi-Go Scientist: Remember that "the brain was taken." Flip this card over.
Reclaim the Brain - Back
Read only if "the brain was taken:"
Remove Mi-Go Scientist, Brain Case, and this card from the game. The investigators, as a group, return 3 of their clues to the token pool.
Read only if "the brain was recovered:"
The scientists listen to your story and examine the cylinder. To your surprise, you hear a distorted voice from what must be a strange speaker stemming from the jar. The brain vibrates within. "Oh, thank the heavens. I can hear you. Where am I?" it asks. You explain what has transpired, and ask why the creatures were after it. "I know something they needed. Here, I can teach you - do you have a pen?"
Put the set-aside Corrosive Cloud story asset into play under any investigator’s control. Remove Brain Case from the game. Add Mi-Go Scientist and this card to the victory display. Any investigator discovers 1 clue each from up to 2 locations. Gain 1 countermeasure.

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