Part 1.
Revelation - Spawn both set-aside Mi-Go Researcher enemies, one at the Fungus Mound, and the other at the location farthest from the Fungus Mound. Put this card into play next to the act deck.
Forced - If there are no Mi-Go Researcher enemies in play: Remember that "the Mi-Go research was stopped." Flip this card over.
Forced - If there are 6 resources on this story card: Remember that "the Mi-Go completed their research." Flip this card over.
Prevent Their Research - Back
Read only if "the Mi-Go completed their research:"
Remove both Mi-Go Researchers and this card from the game. Each Ooze enemy that was researched readies and heals all damage on it. An investigator returns 1 of their clues to the token pool.
Read only if "the Mi-Go research was stopped:"
Eventually, the creatures’ thirst for knowledge isn’t enough to keep them in this hostile environment, and they flee back to the void of space - at least, for now. In the aftermath, you recover one of the strange tools the creatures were carrying: a scalpel of some glasslike, razor-sharp material.
Put the set-aside Alien Instruments story asset into play under any investigator’s control. Add both Mi‑Go Researchers and this card to the victory display. Until the end of the game, each Mi-Go enemy gets –2 health and –2 evade. Any investigator discovers 1 clue at any revealed location.

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