Акт. Stage 1
Карти контактів
Clues: –
Taking down the culprits behind the sacrifices can only be done with proof, in a court of law. You'll have to do this fair and square.
The investigators spend 1 clues, as a group: Flip over a facedown conspirator at your location and put it into play engaged with you.
Spend 1 resource: Exhaust a Cultist enemy engaged with you (it remains engaged). Only Roland Banks may trigger this ability.]
Objective - Parley with as many conspirators as you can. If 10 Cultist enemies are in the victory display, advance.
Romana Kendelic
By the Book #35. By the Book #4.
Secrets Uncovered - Back
Mr. Grey paces the length of his cell, glaring at you from behind the bars. "You're going to regret this, Agent Banks," he snarls. "You'll be begging for my mercy when this is over."
You politely remind Mr. Grey that threatening a federal agent is a felony.
"There are worse things to be afraid of than the likes of you," he replies, before slumping into the corner of his cell, defeated.
The true culprit is behind bars, but you still don't know what his real purpose was in aiding the conspirators behind the murders. What could possibly compel one to take the lives of so many? You don't know - but you intend to find out.
You politely remind Mr. Grey that threatening a federal agent is a felony.
"There are worse things to be afraid of than the likes of you," he replies, before slumping into the corner of his cell, defeated.
The true culprit is behind bars, but you still don't know what his real purpose was in aiding the conspirators behind the murders. What could possibly compel one to take the lives of so many? You don't know - but you intend to find out.

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