Jim Culver
The Musician


Performer. Cursed.

  • 4
  • 3
  • 3
  • 2
Health: 7. Sanity: 8.

After you reveal 1 or more or tokens during a skill test you are performing: Replenish 1 charge on an asset you control. (Limit once per round.)

effect: +2. You may treat this token as if it were a or token instead.

“I know I can make the dead dance.”
Magali Villeneuve
Laid to Rest #49.

Jim Culver - Back


Deck Size: 30.

Deckbuilding Options: Mystic cards () level 0-3, Spell and Cursed cards level 0-4, Neutral cards level 0-5, up to five other Survivor cards () level 0.

Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Jim's Trumpet, Final Rhapsody, The Beyond, 1 random basic weakness.

Spirit Deck Size: 10.

Spirit Deckbuilding Options: 9 different Ally assets from any class level 0–2, Vengeful Shade.

Spirit Deck Instructions: Shuffle the “spirit deck” separately from your deck and place it next to The Beyond asset, facedown. This deck may be upgraded separately using your unspent experience.

Jazz has been nothing but trouble for Jim since the day he picked up his daddy’s trumpet. But the dead sure love it when he plays, so Jim has no intention of stopping.
Jim Culver
Jim Culver
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Do not leave home without Alyssa Graham. On top of being sanity soak for the stupid amount of horror that Jim's own deck throws at him, her ability works on "any player deck". That is to say, she can look for and discard Vengeful Shade before it even comes out. Even if you can't clear the doom in time, it's probably preferable to spawning the shade.

CombStranger · 270
I'm not not sure if one doom is beter than dealing with the shade itself, which is just 2 health and you can deal with it without testing against it's 5 combat. But I like the idea of using Alyssa as a basis for your/other's deck (though she doesn't discard the card, but put it in the bottom of the deck). The strategy to handle with the doom must be there, aside from reaching the 5 allies threshold. — joster · 40