Загроза. Stage 1
Forced – When the enemy phase begins: Deal 1 damage to Jean Devereux for each ready Ravenous Spirit at his location.
Forced – If Jim Culver is defeated: Advance the act.
Spend 2 clues, as a group: Parley. You banish a spirit. Discard the top card of the Spirit deck. (Hint: Draw Heretics out of the Beyond and summon them with Jean’s help!)
The Hour Grows Late... - Back
Place 1 horror on the scenario reference card under Spiritual Disturbance. If there is 4 horror on the scenario reference card, each investigator who has not been eliminated is defeated and suffers 1 mental trauma. (→R2)
Otherwise (if there is 3 or fewer horror on the scenario reference card), perform the following:
- Place clues on each location until it has 1 clues on it.
- Flip each location except for Jean Devereux’s location to its non-Spectral side.
Flip this agenda back over.

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