Inner Chamber - Back

The floor of this central chamber is intricately carved and glows strangely. The walls and floor are scuffed with signs of some past struggle.


Forgotten. Ruins.

Карти контактів
Shroud: 4. Clues: 2.

Spend X clues: Reveal the top X cards of the exploration deck. Draw 1 of the revealed cards and check your supplies. If you have chalk, you may choose 1 additional card and draw it. Shuffle the remaining cards into the exploration deck.

Victory 1.
Andreas Zafiratos
Relics of the Past #71. Relics of the Past #7.
Inner Chamber
Inner Chamber


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: In the Relics of the past challenge scenario, how do you resolve drawing a location using the non-explore ability on Inner Chamber? Would they possibly just go into play regardless of if they're connecting to your current location? A: The ability on Inner Chamber is intended to allow the investigators to draw Relic cards from the exploration deck; it is not intended to allow the investigators to put locations into play. We will plan to update Inner Chamber to specify that you can draw a “non-location” card revealed with its ability. Any location cards you reveal with Inner Chamber should be shuffled back into the exploration deck. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)
Last updated


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