Rex Murphy
The Reporter


Reporter. Cursed.

  • 3
  • 4
  • 2
  • 3
Health: 6. Sanity: 9.

When you would either place 1 of your clues on your location, or add 2 tokens to the chaos bag: Do the other instead. (This can still satisfy the cost of an ability.)

effect: +2 for each token revealed during this test. Draw 1 card for each token revealed during this test.

"Oh, come on, not again!"
Cristi Balanescu
Hunting for Answers #78.

Rex Murphy - Back


Deck Size: 30.

Deckbuilding Options: Seeker cards () level 0-3, Cursed and Gambit cards level 0-4, Neutral cards level 0-5, up to five other Rogue cards () level 0.

Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Search for the Truth, Rex's Curse, 1 random basic weakness.

Deckbuilding Restrictions: No Fortune or Blessed cards (unless they are also Cursed).

When disaster strikes, Rex Murphy is usually on hand, suffering the consequences. After spending a day with Rex, even the most hardened skeptic will concede that the man is cursed. Anytime he had a lead on a good story, something would go wrong, like that business in Innsmouth with the photographs that blew out to sea. His terrible fortune has more than once exposed him to gruesome beasts and occult conspiracies. To survive, Rex has developed an inquisitive mind, keeping one step ahead of the next disaster.
Rex Murphy
Rex Murphy
Search for cards usable by this investigator


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: How does Rex's ability work with effects that add more than 2 curse tokens, or drop more than 1 clue? A: Rex’s reaction ability can be used on effects that add more than 2 curse tokens or drop more than 1 clue; what happens is, he will only replace 2 curse tokens or 1 clue drop for that effect, and still do the rest of the effect. For example, if he plays Call the Beyond, he can satisfy its additional cost by placing 1 of his clues on his location and adding just 1 curse token to the chaos bag. (Rules Forum Answer, August 2024)

  • Q: I have a question about Parallel Rex Murphy. When using his reaction to replace a placing a clue with adding curse tokens, does the "(This can still satisfy the cost of an ability.)" clause mean that effects such as Research Notes or Captivating Discovery recognize this replacement as the clue being placed for the purpose of resolving their abilities? Or does it merely mean that costs are considered to be paid and the effect may continue to resolve; for instance if you place a clue instead of adding curse tokens as an additional cost for playing Faustian Bargain. A: Parallel Rex’s ability can be used on costs or effects that prompt you to either place clues on a location or add 2 curse tokens to the chaos bag. For example, you can satisfy the additional cost on Faustian Bargain by placing 1 clue on your location instead of adding 2 curse tokens to the chaos bag. For Research Notes, however, its ability will only trigger if you place a clue on your location, not if you replace placing a clue with adding curse tokens. That said, you can use Parallel Rex’s ability to place a clue instead of add curse tokens and trigger Research Notes that way. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)

Last updated


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